- Paul Black
Lead worship more relationally and with more connection.
Be a dynamic storyteller when you sing.
Recruit, develop and grow your volunteer worship teams both musically and spiritually.
Identify and eliminate affectatious movements that distracts others from worship.
Paint fresh pictures of God when you sing and play.
How to connect with your congregation and get more participation.
How to sing with more power and freedom.
Develop a culture of excellence (not perfection) that honors God and inspires people.
Improve vocal pitch, blend, and tone.
Lead change without pushing people away.
Practice like you perform and perform like you practice.
Recruit and develop a dynamic relational worship band that connects with each other and with the congregation.
Recruit and develop a dynamic worship choir and orchestra.
Create life impacting rehearsals that grow your team both musically and spiritually.
Create a culture of prayer that unleashes the power of God.
Partner with your pastor’s vision.
Create a culture of submission that always enhances the submitter.
And much more…….